v3.23.0 Release Highlights
This release includes:
- The new Criteria Groups feature
- Some tweaks to the User Interface
What's New?
Criteria Groups
The new Criteria Groups feature on the web allows admin users to create groups of criteria to be used when performing assessments on mobile, saving time for your assessors and ensuring that they can focus more on the person they are assessing.
Users with Manager permissions or above will now see a 'Competency Criteria Groups' option in the 'Competencies' navigation menu drop-down.
Admin vs Read Only
The Criteria Groups feature will look slightly different depending on your system role.
Admins will have the ability to:
- Create new groups
- Edit existing groups
- Publish / Unpublish groups
- Delete groups
- Create a copy of an existing group
- Add criteria to multiple existing groups
Managers, Assessors, and Verifiers will only be able to view the list of available groups and their contents
Sidebar Filters
The Criteria Groups Homepage and the Create/Edit page both include the new sidebar filter, which can be opened by clicking on the 'Filters' button, and closed by either clicking the 'Filters' button again, or by clicking the chevrons at the top of the sidebar filter.
The 'Filters' button will display a count of the filters applied to the page, to act as a reminder whilst the sidebar is closed, as well as allowing you a quick and easy way to clear the filters.
Save as Draft
When creating or editing a group, you will notice that the 'Save' button will have different options depending on the status of your group:
- In case you need to spend time working on your Criteria Groups, you will have the option to Save as Draft and continue to save as you go, so that you don't risk losing your progress.
- Alternatively, you can Save and Publish, to make the group available for your Assessors to use during mobile assessments.
Create a Copy
If you'd like to use an existing group as a template for the creation of a new group, then you can copy the existing group by using the 'Create a Copy' function in the 'Actions' menu. This will automatically open a cloned draft version of the group in an edit view, giving you a basis to work from.
Add Criteria to Multiple Groups
Competency Cycles often change over time, leading to the creation of new Units, Elements & Criteria which you may want to add to several existing Criteria Groups. For this reason, we've included the 'Add Criteria to Multiple Groups' function, which can be accessed via the drop-down of the 'Create Criteria Group' button on the Criteria Groups Homepage.
Once you've clicked the 'Add Criteria to Multiple Groups' button, you'll be presented with a stepped process in which you must select 1 or more criteria...
Then select 1 or more groups for them to be added to...
After making your selections, you'll have a chance to review your choices before confirming and updating all the selected groups.
User Interface Tweaks
We like to hear your feedback, as we want to ensure we're doing the right thing for you. After the last release we had some feedback on the updates to the employee profile, so we have:
1. Updated the size of the employee name so that it stands out more.
2. Updated the "Reference Number" tag to say "Employee Reference" so that it's more in line with naming conventions across the industry.
While we were at it, we also refreshed the navigation bar with a newer design and brand colour. We hope you like it.
Bug Fixes
No bugs were fixed in this release.
Coming Soon
Dashboard & Employee Search updates.