ORS v2.75.0 Release Highlights
This release contains:
- Validation Rest Rules Update
- Display of Employee Name on Validation Results
- Several bug fixes
What's New?
Time Before Safety Critical / Non-Safety Critical Turns
We've updated the Validation Rest Rules for "Time Between Turns" to be "Time Before Turns".
In the Validation Rules Admin page, when creating or editing a Validation Ruleset, you will see that the names of the rules have been updated:
More importantly, the functionality of these rules have been updated:
Previously, the "Minimum time between Safety Critical Turns" rule would validate whether a Safety Critical Turn had a sufficient number of hours between itself and a previous Safety Critical Turn.
The updated "Minimum time before Safety Critical Turns" will validate whether a Safety Critical Turn has a sufficient number of hours between itself and the previous working turn, regardless of whether that is a Safety Critical Turn or not.
Display of Employee Names on Validation Results
The Validation results modal will now display the name of the relevant employee against each result row, so that it is easier to see, at a glance, which employee's turn it relates to.
Bug Fixes
Bug: Zendesk Ref: 117164 - Unable to run Timesheet Audit Report.
Fix: We've updated some date formatting which should resolve the issue going forwards.
Bug: Zendesk Ref: 116647 - Fatigue Index Values seem to change inconsistently and rise but not revert on Turn Changes (From #116603).
Fix: Updated the risk and fatigue calculations to correctly use past turn data when calculating risk and fatigue for a newly created weekly roster.
Bug: Zendesk Ref: 116520 - Cannot unassign Contract due to a future lieu day being in the roster.
Fix: Disabling a contract no longer removes days in lieu as these are related to employees not contracts. Turn data will still be marked as deleted, but when the employee gets rostered again they will have lieu day as planned.